职场英语:面试官5分钟看透你 |
职场英语:面试官5分钟看透你 by 小昀昀
Nearly half of hiring managers (48%) say they know within the first five minutes of an interview whether the candidate would be a good fit for the position, and nearly all employers (87%) say they know within the first 15 minutes. 近一半(48%)的招聘经理说,他们在面试的前五分钟就知道应聘者是否适合这个职位了,而且几乎所有(87%)的雇主说,他们在前15分钟就明白了。
Sometimes hiring managers can eliminate candidate immediately because they've crossed the line and done something completely inappropriate. 招聘经理有时可以立即淘汰应聘者,因为他们过界做了些完全不合适的事。
In its survey, which included 2,201 respondents, CareerBuilder asked hiring managers and human resource professionals about the most outrageous mistakes they've ever seen candidates make during job interviews.Below, they reveal the worst job interview blunders of all time: 在一个包括2201名受访者的调查中,凯业必达要求招聘经理和人力资源专家说他们见过的应聘者在面试中最离谱的错误有哪些。下面就是他们透露的最糟糕的面试错误:
Applicant warned the interviewer that she "took too much Valium" and didn't think her interview was indicative of her personality. 应聘者警告面试官,说她“吃错药了”,而且觉得面试并没有反映出她的性格特征。
Applicant acted out a "Star Trek" role. 应聘者演了《星际迷航》的角色。
Applicant arrived in a jogging suit because he was going running after the interview. 应聘者穿了运动服来面试,因为他面试完要去跑步。
Applicant asked for a hug. 应聘者要求拥抱。
Applicant attempted to secretly record the interview. 应聘者想偷录面试内容。
Applicant brought personal photo albums. 应聘者带了私人相册。
Applicant called himself his own personal hero. 应聘者把自己当成偶像。
Applicant checked Facebook during the interview. 应聘者在面试时看脸书。
Applicant popped out his teeth when discussing dental benefits. 讨论医疗福利时,应聘者秀了自己的牙齿。
Applicant kept his iPod headphones on during the interview. 应聘者面试时带着iPod耳机。
Applicant set fire to the interviewer's newspaper while reading it when the interviewer said "impress me." 当面试官说“怎么让我对你留下印象”时,应聘者把面试官正在看的报纸烧了。
Applicant wanted to know the number of the receptionist because he really liked her. 应聘者想知道前台的号码,因为他真的很喜欢她。
The job interview is not only an opportunity to prove that you are qualified to perform the available job, but to also demonstrate that you're the type of person others will want to work with. If you have any doubt about what you're about to say, do, or wear in an interview, well, it's probably best to skip it.