Great Personalities |
Great Personalities
Trustworthiness 值得信赖
- Be honest 诚实
- Don’t deceive, cheat or steal 不欺骗, 作弊或盗窃
- Be reliable- do what you say you’ll do 可靠, 言而有信
- Have the courage to do the right thing 有勇气做正确的事
- Build a good reputation 建立良好声誉
- Be loyal-stand by your family, friends and country 忠诚于你的家庭, 朋友和国家
Respect 尊重
- Treat others with respect 尊重别人
- Follow the Golden Rule 遵守黄金规律, 按原则做事
- Be tolerant of differences 对不同的事物表示宽容
- Use good manners, not bad language 有礼貌, 不说脏话
- Be considerate of the feelings of others 顾虑别人的感受
- Don’t threat, hit or hurt anyone 不威胁, 打击和伤害任何人
- Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements 和平处理愤怒, 侮辱和分歧
Responsibility 承担责任
- Do what you are supposed to do 做应该做的事
- Persevere: keep on trying! 坚持不懈, 敢于尝试
- Always do your best 永远尽最大努力
- Use self-control 自我管理
- Be self-disciplined 保持自律
- Think before you act- consider the consequences 三思而后行- 做事要想到后果
- Be accountable for your choices 对你的自我选择负责
Fairness 公正
- Play by the rules 按规则办事
- Take turns and share 守秩序,分享谦让
- Be open-minded 心胸开阔
- Listen to others 倾听他人
- Don’t take advantage of others 不利用他人
- Don’t blame others carelessly 不轻率地责怪他人
Caring 显示关怀
- Be kind 待人和气
- Be compassionate and show you care 富于同情心并显示你的关怀
- Express gratitude 表示感谢
- Forgive others 原谅他人
- Help people in need 帮助需要帮助的人
Citizenship 公众意识
- Do your share to make your school and community better 帮助你的学校和单位更好
- Cooperate 合作
- Get involved in community affairs 积极参与社区事务
- Stay informed; vote 保持待命; 参与表决
- Be a good neighbor 做一个好邻居
- Obey laws and rules 遵纪守法
- Respect authority 尊重权威
- Protect the environment 保护环境