


A AA制 Dutch treatment; to go Dutch

B 毕业答辩 thesis/dissertation defence 毕业设计 final project

博士生 a PhD Candidate 报销 to apply for reimbursement

博导 PhD student supervisor 班主任 class tutor

必修/选修课 compulsory/optional courses/modules

C 成就感 sense of accomplishments/achievements

D 第三产业 the tertiary industry 导师 tutor, supervisor

独立思考能力 capacity for independent thinking 党支部 Party branch

党支部书记 Party branch secretary

E 厄尔尼诺现象 El Nino phenomenon

F 附中 affiliated (high or junior etc) school of ....

附件(email): attachment

房地产 real estate

G 公务员 civil servant (工作)单位 work unit

工学学士/硕士 Bachelor/Master of Science (B.S & M.S)

高考 National College Entrance Examination

国家重点实验室 state key laboratory

股份制 shareholding system; joint-stock system

股份有限公司 Co. Ltd; company/corporation limited: limited corporation

H 户口簿 residence booklet; household register; household registration


获六级证书 obtain a certificate of CET-6

J 甲方乙方 Part A and Party B 基础设施 infrastructure

敬业精神 professional dedication; professional ethics

讲师 lecturer 高级讲师 senior lecturer 技术支持 technical support

精神文明建设 ideological and ethical progress

机电一体化 Electromechanical Integration

K 可持续发展 sustainable development

考研 take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools

课代表 subject representaitve

L 理论联系实际 to link theory with practice

论文答辩 thesis defence

劳动密集型 labour-intensive

联系方式 contacts;contact details; how to contact;

M 民工 migrant workers/labourers

满分 full mark

P 平面设计 graphic design

Q 全职 full-time

R 人才 talent; talented people

理念 philosophy; value; doctrine

入世 china's accession to the wto; china joins the wto

S 三个代表(论) the Three Represents (Theory)

双刃剑 double-edged sword 上网 to get on the internet

适者生存 survival of the fittest 私营经济 private sector

事业单位 public institution 私/民营企业 private enterprise

三好学生 merit student; three good student(good in study, attitude and health)

师兄 无准确英译,可表达为'junior or senior (fellow) schoolmate/student

双赢(局面) win-win; a win-win situation 实习 internship 实习生 intern

双学位 double degree/dual degree 手机短信SMS/short message/instant message

上市 to go public; to be listed (in the stock market)

市场营销(活动) marketing (activitiess)

硕博联读 a continuous academic project that involves postgraduate and

doctoral study; a PhD programme

水平一/二 English Proficiency Test I/II (of Tsinghua University)

社会实践 social practice

T 团队精神 esprit de corps OR team spirit 特此证明 this is to certify that.

团支部书记 League branch secretary 团委 the Youth League committee

特等奖学金 top class/level scholarship

通过大学四级考试 pass the College English Test Band 4

W 物业管理 asset management, property management

物流 logistics

外联部 liaison department (小的办公室,叫office)

企业的外联部,通常是PR: Public Relations Division/Department

X 性价比 cost performance

信息化 adj and n. information v. informatise/informationise

n. informatisation/informationisation

选修课 optional/selective courses/modules

学位课 degree course 学号 student number

Y 营销(学) marketing

优胜互补 (the two parties...) have complementary advantages

优胜劣汰,适者生存 survival of the fittest


与时俱进 to advance/progress with times 研究所 research institute

以人为本 people oriented; people foremost

研一生 first-year graduate student

一等奖学金 first class scholarship 一等奖 first prize


振兴xxx: to rejuventate/revitalise xxx 准考证 admission ticket

知识经济 knowledge economy; knowledge-based economy

知识密集(性) knowledge-intensive

知识产权 intellectual property rights

中科院 the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Academia Sinica

(院士 member, academician)

中国工程院 the Chinese Academy of Engineering

正版 adj. authorised

综合国力 comprehensive national strength

政治面貌 political status

助教 teaching assistant (TA)

自强不息,厚德载物 Self-discipline and Social Commitment

自我评价 self-assessment; self-evaluation