Misc |
. bark up the wrong tree
Fig. to make the wrong choice; to ask the wrong person; to follow the wrong course. (Alludes to a dog in pursuit of an animal, where the animal is in one tree and the dog is barking at another tree.) If you think I'm the guilty person, you're barking up the wrong tree. The hitters blamed the team's bad record on the pitchers, but they were barking up the wrong tree.
. giving someone up means you are breaking up with them, or leaving them.
. give up on someone: to stop hoping that someone will improve and stop trying to help or change them: Most of the teachers gave up on her years ago.
. Proceed / hold off: Is it ok for me to proceed or do I need to hold off until there issues have been cleared up?
. refer: Which file are you referring?
. Throw light on: Would you be able to throw some more light on ?