barron词汇 J |
barron词汇 J
1955. jaded
释义: fatigued; surfeited
例句: He looked for exotic foods to stimulate his jaded appetite.
1956. jargon
释义: language used by special group; gibberish
例句: We tried to understand the jargon of the peddlers in the market place but could not find any basis for comprehension.
1957. jaundiced
释义: yellowed; prejudiced; envious
例句: She gazed at the painting with jaundiced eyes; she knew it was better than hers.
1958. jaunt
释义: trip; short journey
例句: He took a quick jaunt to Atlantic City.
1959. jaunty
释义: lighthearted; animated; easy and carefree
例句: In Singing in the Rain, Gene Kelly sang and danced his way throughtthe lighthearted title number in a properly jaunty style.
1960. jeopardy
释义: exposure to death or danger
例句: Legally, one cannot be placed in double jeopardy.
1961. jettison
释义: throw overboard
例句: In order to enable the ship to ride safely through the storm, the captain had to jettison much of his cargo.
1962. jingoism
释义: extremely aggressive and militant patriotism
例句: We must be careful to prevent a spirit of jingoism from spreading at this time.
1963. jocose
释义: given to joking
例句: The salesman was so jocose that many of his customers suggested that he become a stand-up comic.
1964. jocular
释义: said or done in jest
例句: Do not take my jocular remarks seriously.
1965. jocund
释义: merry
例句: Santa Claus is always vivacious and jocund.
1966. jollity
释义: gaiety; cheerfulness
例句: The festive Christmas dinner was a merry one, and old and young alike joined in the general jollity.
1967. jostle
释义: shove; bump
例句: In the subway he was jostled by the crowds.
1968. jovial
释义: good natured; merry
例句: A frown seemed out of place on his invariably jovial face.
1969. jubilation
释义: rejoicing
例句: There was great jubilitation when the armistice was announced.
1970. judicious
释义: sound in judgment; wise
例句: At a key moment in his life, he made a judicious investment that was the foundation of his later wealth.
1971. juggernaut
释义: irresistible crushin force
例句: Nothing could survive in the path of the juggernaut.
1972. juncture
释义: crisis;joining point
例句: At this critical juncture, let us think carefully before determining the course we shall follow.
1973. junket
释义: trip, especially one taken for pleasure by an official at public expense
例句: Though she maintained she had gone abroad to collect firsthand data on the Common Market, the opposition claimed that her trip was merely a political junket.
1974. junta
释义: group of persons joined in political intrigue; cabal
例句: As soon as he learned of its existence, the dictator ordered the execution of all of the members of the junta.
1975. jurisprudence
释义: science of law
例句: He was more a student of jurisprudence than a practitioner of the law.
1976. juxtapose
释义: place side by side
例句: Comparison will be easier if you juxtapose the two objects.