
Barron词汇 V

Barron词汇 V

3589. vacillate

释义: waver; fluctuate

例句: Uncertain which suitor she ought to marry, the princess vacillated, saying now one, now the other.

3590. vacuous

释义: empty; lacking in ideas; stupid

例句: The candidate's vacuous remarks annoyed the audience, who had hoped to hear more than empty platitudes

3591. vagabond

释义: wanderer; tramp

例句: In summer, college students wander the roads of Europe like carefree vagabonds.

3592. vagary

释义: caprice; whim

例句: She followed every vagary of fashion.

3593. vagrant

释义: stray; random

例句: He tried to study, but could not collect his vagrant thoughts.

3594. vagrant

释义: homeless wanderer

例句: Because he was a stranger in town with no visible means of support, Martin feared he would be jailed as a vagrant.

3595. vainglorious

释义: boastful; excessively conceited

例句: She was a vainglorious and arrogant individual.

3596. valedictory

释义: pertaining to farewell

例句: I found the valedictory address too long; leave-taking should be brief.

3597. valid

释义: logically convincing; sound; legally acceptable

例句: You're going to have to come up with a better argument if you want to convince me that your reasoning is valid.

3598. validate

释义: confirm; ratify

例句: I will not publish my findings until I validate my results.

3599. valor

释义: bravery

例句: He received the Medal of Honor for his valor in battle.

3600. vampire

释义: ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living

例句: Children were afraid to go to sleep at night because of the many legends of vampires.

3601. vanguard

释义: forerunners; advance forces

例句: We are the vanguard of a tremendous army that is following us.

3602. vantage

释义: position giving an advantage

例句: They fired upon the enemy from behind trees, walls and any other point of vantage they could find.

3603. vapid

释义: insipid; inane

例句: She delivered an uninspired and vapid address.

3604. variegated

释义: many-colored

例句: Without her glasses, Gretchen saw the fields of tulips as a variegated blur.

3605. vassal

释义: in feudalism, one who held land of a superior lord

例句: The lord demanded that his vassals contribute more to his military campaign.

3606. vaunted

释义: boasted; bragged; highly publicized

例句: This much vaunted project proved a disappointment when it collapsed.

3607. veer

释义: change in direction

例句: After what seemed an eternity, the wind veered to the east and the storm abated.

3608. vegetate

释义: live in a monotonous way

例句: I do not understand how you can vegetate in this quiet village after the adventurous life you have led.

3609. vehement

释义: impetuous; with marked vigor

例句: He spoke with vehement eloquence in defense of his client.

3610. velocity

释义: speed

例句: The train went by at considerable velocity.

3611. venal

释义: capable of being bribed

例句: The venal policeman accepted the bribe offered him by the speeding motorist whom he had stopped.

3612. vendetta

释义: blood feud

例句: The rival mobs engaged in a bitter vendetta.

3613. vendor

释义: seller

例句: The fruit vendor sold her wares from a stall on the sidewalk.

3614. veneer

释义: thin layer; cover

例句: Casual acquaintances were deceived by his veneer of sophistication and failed to recognize his fundamental shallowness.

3615. venerable

释义: deserving high respect

例句: We do not mean to be disrespectful when we refuse to follow the advice of our venerable leader.

3616. venerate

释义: revere

例句: In China, the people venerate their ancestors.

3617. venial

释义: forgivable; trivial

例句: We may regard a hugry man's stealing as a venial crime.

3618. venison

释义: the meat of a deer

例句: The hunters dined on venison.

3619. vent

释义: small opening; outlet

例句: The wine did not flow because the air vent in the barrel was clogged.

3620. vent

释义: express; utter

例句: He vented his wrath on his class.

3621. ventral

释义: abdominal

例句: We shall now examine the ventral plates of this serpent, not the dorsal side.

3622. ventriloquist

释义: someone who can make his or her voice seem to come from another person or thing

例句: This ventriloquist does an act in which she has a conversation with a wooden dummy.

3623. venturesome

释义: bold

例句: A group of venturesome women were the first to scale Mt.Annapurna.

3624. venue

释义: location

例句: The attorney asked for a change of venue; he thought his client would do better if the trial were held in a less conservative county.

3625. veracious

释义: truthful

例句: I can recommend him for this position because I have always found him veracious and reliable.

3626. veracity

释义: truthfulness

例句: Trying to prove Hill a liar, Senator Spector repeatedly questioned her veracity.

3627. verbalize

释义: put into words

例句: I know you don't like to talk about these things, but please try to verbalize your feelings.

3628. verbatim

释义: word for word

例句: He repeated the message verbatim.

3629. verbiage

释义: pompous array of words

例句: After we had waded through all the verbiage, we discovered that the writer had said very little.

3630. verbose

释义: wordy

例句: This article is too verbose; we must edit it.

3631. verdant

释义: green; lush in vegetation

例句: Monet's paintings of the verdant meadows were symphonies in green.

3632. verdigris

释义: green coating on copper which has been exposed to the weather

例句: Despite all attempts to protect the statue from the elements, it became coated with verdigris.

3633. verge

释义: border; edge

例句: Madame Curie knew she was on the verge of discovering the secrets of radioactive elements.

3634. verisimilitude

释义: appearance of truth; likelihood

例句: Critics praised her for the verisimilitude of her performance as Lady Macbeth. She was completely believable.

3635. verity

释义: truth; reality

例句: The four verities were revealed to Buddha during his long meditation.

3636. vernacular

释义: living language; natural style

例句: Cut out those old-fashioned "thee's" and "thou's" and write in the vernacular.

3637. vernal

释义: pertaining to spring

例句: We may expect vernal showers all during the month of April.

3638. versatile

释义: having many talents; capable of working in many fields

例句: He was a versatile athlete; at college he had earned varsity letters in baseball, football, and track.

3639. vertex

释义: summit

例句: Let us drop a perpendicular line from the vertex of the triangle to the base.

3640. vertigo

释义: dizziness

例句: We test potential plane pilots for susceptibility to spells of vertigo.

3641. verve

释义: enthusiasm; liveliness

例句: She approached her studies with such verve that it was impossible for her to do poorly.

3642. vestige

释义: trace; remains

例句: We discovered vestiges of early Indian life in the cave.

3643. vex

释义: annoy; distress

例句: Please try not to vex your mother; she is doing the best she can.

3644. viable

释义: capable of maintaining life; practicable; workable

例句: The infant, though prematurely born, is viable and has a good chance to survive.

3645. viand

释义: food

例句: There was a variety of viands at the feast.

3646. vicarious

释义: acting as a substitute; done by a deputy

例句: Many people get a vicarious thrill at the movies by imagining they are the characters on the screen.

3647. vicissitude

释义: change of fortune

例句: Humbled by life's vicissitudes, the last emperor of China worked as a lowly gardener in the palace over which he had once ruled.

3648. victuals

释义: food

例句: I am very happy to be able to provide you with these victuals; I know you are hungry.

3649. vie

释义: contend; compete

例句: Politicians vie with one another, competing for donations and votes.

3650. vigilance

释义: watchfulness

例句: Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

3651. vigor

释义: active strength

例句: Although he was over seventy years old, Jack had the vigor of a man in his prime.

3652. vignette

释义: picture; short literary sketch

例句: The New Yorker published her latest vignette.

3653. vilify

释义: slander

例句: She is a liar and is always trying to vilify my reputation.

3654. vindicate

释义: clear of charges

例句: I hope to vindicate my client and return him to society as a free man.

3655. vindictive

释义: revengeful

例句: She was very vindictive and never forgave an injury.

3656. vintner

释义: winemaker; seller of wine

例句: The poet wondered what the vintners could buy that would be half as precious as the wine they sold.

3657. viper

释义: poisonous snake

例句: The habitat of the horned viper, a particularly venomous snake, is in sandy regions like the Sahara or the Sinai peninsula.

3658. virile

释义: manly

例句: I do not accept the premise that a man is virile only when he is belligerent.

3659. virtual

释义: in essence; for practical purposes

例句: She is a virtual financial wizard when it comes to money matters.

3660. virtue

释义: goodness; moral excellence; good quality

例句: A virtue carried to extremes can turn into something resembling vice; humility, for example, can degenerate into servility and spinelessness.

3661. virtuoso

释义: highly skilled artist

例句: The child prodigy Yehudi Menuhin grew into a virtuoso whose virtuosity on the violin thrilled millions.

3662. virulent

释义: extremely poisonous

例句: The virus is highly virulent and has made many of us ill for days.

3663. virus

释义: disease communicator

例句: The doctors are looking for a specific medicine to control this virus.

3664. visage

释义: face; appearance

例句: The stern visage of the judge indicated that she had decided to impose a severe penalty.

3665. visceral

释义: felt in one's inner organs

例句: She disliked the visceral sensations she had whenever she rode the roller coaster.

3666. viscid

释义: adhesive; gluey

例句: The trunk of the maple tree was viscid with sap.

3667. viscous

释义: sticky, gluey

例句: Melted tar is a viscous substance.

3668. vise

释义: tool for holding work in place

例句: Before filling its edges, the keysmith took the blank key and fixed it firmly between the jaws of a vise.

3669. visionary

释义: produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical

例句: She was given to visionary schemes that never materialized.

3670. vital

释义: vibrant and lively; critical; living, breathing

例句: The vital, highly energetic first aid instructor stressed that it was vital in examining accident victims to note their vital signs.

3671. vitiate

释义: spoil the effect of; make inoperative

例句: Fraud will vitiate the contract.

3672. vitreous

释义: pertaining to or resembling glass

例句: Although this plastic has many vitreous qualties such as transparency, it is unbreakable.

3673. vitriolic

释义: corrosive; sarcastic

例句: Such vitriolic criticism is uncalled for.

3674. vituperative

释义: abusive; scolding

例句: He became more vituperative as he realized that we were not going to grant him his wish.

3675. vivacious

释义: lively or animated; sprightly

例句: She had always been vivacious and sparkling.

3676. vivisection

释义: act of dissecting living animals

例句: The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals opposed vivisection and deplored the practice of using animals in scientific experiments.

3677. vixen

释义: female fox; ill-tempered woman

例句: Aware that she was right once again, he lost his temper and called her a shrew and a vixen.

3678. vociferous

释义: clamorous; noisy

例句: The crowd grew vociferous in its anger and threatened to take the law into its own hands.

3679. vogue

释义: popular fashion

例句: Jeans became the vogue on many college campuses.

3680. volatile

释义: changeable; explosive; evaporating rapidly

例句: The political climate today is extremely volatile: no one can predict what the electorate will do next.

3681. volition

释义: act of making a conscious choice

例句: She selected this dress of her own volition.

3682. voluble

释义: fluent; glib

例句: She was a voluble speaker, always ready to talk.

3683. voluminous

释义: bulky; large

例句: Despite her family burdens, she kept up a voluminous correspondence with her friends.

3684. voluptuous

释义: gratifying the senses

例句: The nobility during the Renaissance led voluptuous lives.

3685. voracious

释义: ravenous

例句: The wolf is a voracious animal, its hunger never satisfied.

3686. vortex

释义: whirlwind; whirlpool; center of turbulence; predicament into which one is inexorably plunged

例句: Sucked into the vortex of the tornado, Dorothy and Toto were carried from Kansas to Oz.

3687. vouchsafe

释义: grant condescendingly; guarantee

例句: I can safely vouchsafe you fair return on your investment.

3688. voyeur

释义: Peeping

例句: Jill called Jack a voyeur when she caught him aiming his binoculars at a bedroom window of the house next door.

3689. vulnerable

释义: susceptible to wounds

例句: Achilles was vulnerable only in his heel.

3690. vulpine

释义: like a fox; crafty

例句: She disliked his sly ways, but granted him a certain vulpine intelligence.