
Barron词汇 1 Q

Barron词汇 1 Q

quack n.冒充内行之人,庸医*(*记)和quick(快)一起*记,庸医骗完钱就走

quadruped n. 四足动物

quaff v.畅饮*(*例)quaff a glass of wine(将一杯酒一饮而尽)

quagmire n.沼泽地,困境*(*记)quag(沼泽)+mire(泥潭)*(*例)The country slipped into an economic quagmire.

quail v.畏惧,颤抖*(*记)quail原义为“鹌鹑”*(*例)His heart quailed (他心存恐惧)

quaint adj. 离奇有趣的, 奇怪的, 做得很精巧的

qualified adj. 有资格的

qualify vt.使合格,使具有资格;限制;证明...合格


quandary n.困惑,进退两难*(*例)be in a quandary about what to do

quarantine n.隔离检疫期,隔离*(*记)quarant(四十)+ine,原义指隔开40天

quarry n.猎物,追求物*(*记)和quarrel(争吵)一起*记。n.采石场,v.采石

quash v.取消,拒绝接受*(*例)The high court judgequashed the decision of the lower court.

quay n. 码头

queasy adj.不喜欢的,令人作呕的(*例)the queasy rolling of the ship(引起呕吐的轮船摇晃)

queer adj.奇怪的,疯狂的*(*记)和queen(女王)一起*记*(*例)What a queer story

quell v.制止、镇压*(*例)quell a riot (镇压暴乱)/quell disagreement(压制不同意见)

quench v.熄灭(火),抑制(欲望)*(*例)quench hatred(消除仇恨)/quench the flames(扑灭火焰)

querulous adj.抱怨的,多牢骚的*(*记)quer(=query疑问,质问)+ulous→老是疑问→抱怨的

query n.v.质问,疑问,询问*(*例)accept a check without query(不加询问地接受支票)

queue v.n.长队,排队*(*例)join the queue(排入队伍)

quibble n.遁词,吹毛求疵的反对意见*(*记)quip(妙语,借口)的变体(*例)There were quibbles over some of the details(对于某些细节问题有小小的批评意见)

quicksilver vt. 涂上水银;adj. 水银的, 易变的;adj. 似水银的,光亮且流动快的

quiescent adj.不动的,静止的*(*记)qui(=quiet 安静的)+escent(…状态)→静止的.*同根词:quietus(债务清偿,寂灭)

quietude n. 平静, 寂静

quintessence n.典型,完美的榜样,精华*(*记)quint(五)+essence(精华)→原指组成世界的五大精华物质*(*例)She is the quintessence of sweetness.

quip n. 讽刺,妙语,双关语;v. 说讽刺的话, 嘲弄, 说托辞

quirk n.奇事,怪癖*(*例)He has some unusual quirks in his character.

quisling n.卖国贼,内奸*(*记)来自人名Quisling,挪威政客,二战德国占领挪威期间任傀儡政府总理.

quiver n.箭筒,箭囊*(*记)quiver作为“颤抖”一义大家都熟悉

quixotic adj.不切实际的,空想的*(*记)来自Don Quixote(堂·吉诃德)

quizzical adj.爱挖苦的,戏弄的*(*例)a quzzical smile(嘲笑)

quorum n. 法定人数, 选出的团体

quotidian adj.每日的,平凡的*(*记)quoti(每)+di(日子)+an→每日的*(*例)quotidian routine(日常工作)