
Barron词汇 1 S

Barron词汇 1 S

s miniature

saboteur n. 从事破坏活动者, 怠工者

saccharine n. <美>糖精;adj. 糖质的, 含糖的

sacrilegious adj.亵渎神圣的*(*记)sacri(神圣)+leg(选择,拿)+ious→拿走神圣→窃取圣物→亵渎神圣的

sacrosanct adj.神圣不可侵犯的*(*记)sacro(神圣)+sanct(神圣)→十分神圣的*同根词:sanctity(圣洁,神圣),sanctum(圣所,私室)

sadistic adj. [心 虐待狂的, 残酷成性的

saga n.英勇故事,长篇小说*(*记)注意不要和sage(智慧的)相混.

sagacious adj.聪明的,睿智的*(*记)sag(敏锐)+acious→敏锐的,聪明的

sage adj.智慧的 n.智者*(*记)sag(敏锐)+e→智慧的.

salacious adj.好色的,淫荡的.*(*记)sal(跳)+acious,原指动物跳来跳去追逐配偶。

salient adj.显著的,突出的*(*记)sal(跳)+ient→跳起来→突出的*(*例)the salient points of the speech.

saline adj. 盐的, 苦涩的, 由碱金属(或含镁之盐类)组成的;n. 盐湖, 盐田, 装盐所

sallow n.柳树,adj.病黄色的*(*例)sallow cheeks(病黄的双颊)

salubrious adj.有益健康的*(*记)salubr(健康)+ious→健康的→有益健康的

salutary adj.有益的,有益健康的*(*记)salut(健康)+ary→有益健康的,有利的.

salvage n.v.(从灾难中)抢救,海上救助*(*记)salv(救)+age→抢救*同根词:salvable(可抢救的)

sanctimonious adj.伪装虔诚的*(*记)来自sanctimonial(修女)

sanction n.v.批准,认可*(*记)sanct(神圣)+ion→神圣之物,原指教会的法令,引伸为“批准”,“赞许”

sanctuary n.圣堂,避难所*(*记)sanct(神圣)+uary(地方)→圣堂*(*例)The cabin provided sanctuary from the rain.

sanguinary adj.有血的,血腥的*(*记)sanguin(血)+ary→血的,流血的*(*例)sanguinary violence(血腥暴力)/sanguinary battle(血战)

sanguine adj.充满希望的,乐观的*(*记)sanguin(血)+e→有血色的,乐观的*(*例)a sanguine happygolucky disposition(乐天逍遥的性格)

sap n.树液,活力.v.削弱,耗尽*(*例)The country was sapped by social decay.

sarcasm n.讥讽,讽刺,嘲笑*(*记)sarc(肌肉)+asm(可能来自spasm痉挛)→使肌肉痉挛的→讽剌*同根词:sarcophagous(食肉的)

sardonic adj.讽刺的,嘲笑的*(*记)来自sardinian plant(撒丁岛植物),据说吃后让人狂笑而死*(*例)a sardonic comment(嘲讽的评语)

sartorial adj.裁缝的,缝制的*(*记)sartor(裁缝)+ial→裁缝

sate v.使心满意足,使厌足*(*记)sat(满)+e→满足*同根词:satiety(饱足,厌腻),satisfy(满足)*(*例)A long drink sated my thirst.

satellite n. 人造卫星

satiate v.使饱足,生腻*(*记)sat(满)+iate→使满足*(*例)be satiated with pleasure(厌腻于欢乐)

satire n.讽剌(作品)*(*记)可能来自sat(满足)+tire(拉长)→不断地(讽剌)而满足

satirical adj.讽剌的,爱挖苦的

saturate v.使饱和;浸透,湿透

saturnine adj.忧郁的,阴沉的*(*记)来自 Saturn(土星)+ine,据说生于土星宫时的人性格忧郁。

satyr n. (希腊及罗马神话)半人半兽的森林之神, 好色之徒, 性欲极强的男人

saunter v.n.闲逛,漫步*(*记)分割*记忆:s看作see,aunt(姑姑)+er看姑姑→闲逛而去*(*例)She returned to the bedroom in a gay saunter.

savant n.博学之士,大学士*(*记)sav(=sap智慧)+ant→有智慧之人,大学士

savor n.味道,滋味,v.品尝,欣赏*(*例)savor the pleasure of country life in the summer.

savory adj. 风味极佳的, 可口的, 味美的;n. 使人开胃的菜肴

scabbard n.(刀、剑)鞘,枪套*(*记)分割*记忆:scab(疤)+bard(马的铠甲)

scad n. [鱼 竹荚鱼, <美口>(pl. )许多

scaffold n.脚手架(造房时搭的架子)

scale n.鱼鳞,(音乐)音阶v.攀登*(*例)She scaled the barrier like a commando(她像突击队员似的翻过栅栏)

scanty adj. 缺乏的,不足的,稀疏的,俭省的,不充足的

scapegoat n.替罪羊

scavenge v.(在废物中)寻觅,(动物)食腐肉*(*记)和revenge(报复,复仇)一起*记

scenario n.剧情说明书,剧本*(*记)scen(=scene场景)+ario→剧情梗概

schematic adj.扼要的,图解的*(*记)来自schema(图表,纲要)+tic→纲要的

scheme n.阴谋,(作品等)体系,结构*(*记)注意不要和schema相混,尤其作为“阴谋”一意*(*例)a scheme to escape taxes(逃税的诡计)

schism n.组织分裂*(*记)a schism in a political party

scholarly adj. 学者气质的, 学者风度的

scintilla n.一点,丝毫*(*记)scintill(闪火花)+a→象火花一闪→一点点*(*例)charges without a scintilla ofevidence.

scintillate v.闪烁、(淡吐)流露机智*(*记)scintill(火花)+ate→闪火花、闪烁*(*例)The stars scintillated in the winter sky.

scion n.嫩芽,子孙*(*例)Ford was a scion of a wealthy stock.(福特是一位富家子弟)

scoff n.v.嘲笑,笑柄*(*例)the scoffs of one's fellow(同伴的嗤笑)v.狼吞虎咽

scorch v.烤焦,烧焦*(*例)The maid scorched the shirt in ironing it.

score n.乐谱*(*记)score作为“分数、得分”大家都很熟悉*(*例)the score of an opera(歌剧总谱)

scotch v.镇压、粉碎*(*记)苏格兰Scotch和scotch拼写一致*(*例)Luckily the rebellion was quickly scotched

scourge n.v.鞭笞,磨难*(*记)和courage(勇气)一起*记,也可分割*记忆scour(擦亮)+urge(敦促)

scowl n. 愁容, 怒容, 暴风雨前的阴沉晦暗;vi. 皱眉头, 怒目而视;vt. 板着脸表示

scrap n.小片、碎屑v.废弃*(*记)和scrape(刮、擦)一起*记*(*例)The cook gave some scraps of meat to the dog/scrap an agreement(废止协议)

scrappy v. 好斗的,片断的


screech n. 尖声喊叫, 尖叫声, 急煞车声;vt. 尖着声音讲或喊;vi. 发出尖锐的声音, 发出恐惧或痛苦的叫喊声

scrimmage n. 混战, 并列争球;vt. 并列争球;vi. 混战

scruple n.v.顾忌、迟疑*(*例)He did not scruple to tell lies when it served his interests.

scrupulous a.多顾虑的, 审慎的;严格认真的,拘泥的

scrutinize n.详细检查,细读*(*记)scrutin(检查)+ize→详细检查*同根词:scrutable(可辩认的),scrutiny(精读)*(*例)The jeweler scrutinized the diamond for flaws.

scuffle v.混战,打斗*(*记)scuff(打耳光)+le*(*例)The players were scuffling on the field during the football match.

scurrilous adj.下流的、恶言毁谤的*(*记)scurril(下流)+ous→下流的.可以和scurry(急奔)一起*记*(*例)a scurrilous jest(下流庸俗的笑话)

scurry v.急跑,疾行*(*例)scurry off to find a doctor(急忙赶去找医生)。

scurvy adj.卑鄙的、可鄙的*(*记)不要和scurry(急赶)相混*(*例)a scurvy fellow(卑鄙的家伙)

scuttle v.急赶、疾走,逃辟*(*例)scuttle across the street/scuttle out of one's responsibilities.n.舷窗、舱口盖

seamy adj.黑暗的、恶劣的*(*记)seam(缝)+y→裂缝里的、黑暗的*(*例)the seamy side of city life

sear v.(以烈火)烧灼*(*例)He seared his hand on a hot steam pipe

season n. 季, 季节;v. (使)适应, (使)适用, 调味

seasonable adj. 合时的

seasonal a. 季节性的

seasoned adj. 经验丰富的, 老练的

secession n.脱离、退出

seclusion n.隐遁,隔离

secrete v.分泌,藏匿*(*记)来自secret(秘密的)+e*(*例)The child sccreted himself behind the door

sect n.(宗教等)派系*(*例)a philosophical sect(哲学派别)sectarianadj.宗派的、派系的

sectarian n. 宗派主义者

secular adj.世俗的、尘世的*(*例)secular affairs(世事)/secular drama(世俗戏剧)

sedate adj.安静的、镇静的*(*记)sed(=sid坐)+ate→坐下来的→安静的

sedentary adj.久坐的,固定不动的*(*记)sed(坐)+entary→久坐的*(*例)a sedentary occupation

sedition n.煽动叛乱*(*记)sed(=se分开)+it(走)+ion→分开走→煽动*同根词:itinerate(巡回)*(*例)He was charged with sedition

seduce v.勾引、诱惑*(*记)se(分开)+duce(引导)→引开→勾引*(*例)be seduced by curiosity

sedulous adj.聚精会神的、勤勉的*(*记)sed(坐)+ulous(多……的)→坐得多的→勤勉的*(*例)a sedulous student.

seedy adj. 多种子的, 结籽的, 破旧的, 褴褛的, 不适的

seemly adj. 适宜的

seep v.(液体等)渗漏*(*记)*参考*记忆:peep(偷看)*(*例)Water seeped in through a crack.

seethe v.沸腾,汹涌*(*记)分割*记忆:see(看)+the,连句:see the sea to seethe(看大海汹涌)*(*例)look down into the seething sea around the rocks.

seine n.拉网,大捕鱼网

seismic adj.地震的*(*记)seism(地震)+ic→地震的*同根词:seismograph(地震仪),seismology(地震学)

selective a. 有选择性的

self-indulgence n. 放纵, 任性

self-righteous adj. 自以为是的

semblance n.外貌,相似*(*记)sembl(相象)+ance*同根词:resemble(相似),dissemble(掩饰)

seminal adj.有创意的*(*记)semin(种子)+al→种子的→有创见的*同根词:disseminate(播种)

seminary n.神学院*(*记)semin(种子)+ary→培养(上帝)种子的地方→神学院.*参考:seminar(研究班)

senility n.衰老,老化

sensitization n. 促进感受性, 感光度之增强

sensual adj.肉欲的、淫荡的*(*记)sens(感觉)+ual*(*例)sensual appitites(情欲)

sensuous adj. 感觉上的, 给人美感的

sententious adj.好说教的,简要的*(*记)sentence(句子)+ious→一个句子说完→简要的

sentient adj.有知觉的,知悉的*(*记)sent(感觉)+ient→有感觉的*(*例)be sentient of a tense atmosphere(意识到一种紧张气氛)

sentimental a. 多愁善感的

sentinel n.哨兵,看守 post a sentinel 设岗哨

septic adj.受感染的、腐败的*(*记)sept(细菌、腐烂)+ic*同根词:antiseptic(杀菌的,防腐的)

sepulcher n.埋葬所,坟墓

sequester v.(使)隐退,隐居*(*记)注意不要和sequestrate(扣押)相混,二个单词均来自sequ(跟随).*(*例)sequester oneself from the world.

sere adj.干枯的,凋萎的*(*记)不要和sear(烧灼)相混*(*例)Leaves become sere in the hot dry weather.

serendipity n.善于发掘新奇事物的天赋*(*记)出自18世纪英国作家Horace(荷拉斯)的童话故事t [s v.说教,讲道*(*记)sermon(布道)+ize*参考:homiletics(布道学)

serenity n. 平静

serpentine adj.似蛇般绕曲的,蜿蜒的*(*记)serpent(蛇)+ine→象蛇一样的*(*例)a serpentine path through a garden.

serrated adj.呈锯齿状的*(*记)serr(=saw锯子)+ated→锯齿状的*同根词:serration(锯齿状),serried(密集的)*(*例)a serrated leaf.

servile adj.奴性的,百依百顺的*(*记)serv(=slave奴隶)+ile*(*例)servile abedience(奴性的顺从)

servitude n. 奴隶状态, 惩役, 地役权, 使用权

sever v.切断,脱离*(*记)和severe(严重的)一起*记

severity n. 严肃, 严格, 严重, 激烈

sextant n.六分仪(航海定向仪器)*(*记)sex(=six六 )+tant→六分仪

shack n.简陋的小屋,棚屋*(*记)shackle(镣铐)大家应该熟悉,去掉le便成shack.

shackle n.脚镣,枷锁*(*例)the shackles of convention(传统的束傅)

shade n.阴影,细微差别*(*例)delicate shades of meaning(意义上精微的差别)

sham n.假货,虚假,v.伪装*(*记)把shame(害臊)的e去掉,成sham*(*例)Her illness was a sham to gain sympathy.

shambles n.混乱之处,凌乱的地点*(*例)The room was a shambles after the dinner party.(宴会后房间里乱七八糟)


shard n.(陶器等)碎片,破片*(*例)The pole lay in shards on the pavement

shaving n. 刮, 修胡须, 削, 刨, 刨花

sheaf n.一捆、一束*(*记)分割*记忆:she+af看作after*(*例)She stands after a sheaf of lilies(她站在一束百合花后面)

shear v.剪(羊毛),剪发*(*记)分割*记忆:she+ear(她的耳朵→把耳朵边上的头发剪掉→剪发)

sheathe vt. 插入鞘, 覆盖

shed v.流出(眼泪),脱落(叶子)*(*例)shed one's blood for one's country

sheer adj. 纯的,陡峭的,v. 躲开,避开

sherbet n. <英>冰冻果子露

shift v.替换,转移

shimmer v.闪烁,微微发亮*(*记)shim(=shine发光)+mer*(*例)moonlight shimmering on the sea

shirk v.逃避,规避*(*例)shirk one's duty(逃避责任)

shoddy n.劣质的,冒充好货的*(*例)shoddy merchandise(劣质商品)

shoot n. 射击, 发射, 摄影, 急流;vt. 射击, 投射, 伸出, 拍摄, 用完, 挥出, 给...注射, 使爆炸;vi. 射出, 射击, 发出, 发芽, 射门, 拍电影

shove v.推挤,猛推*(*记)注意不要和shovel(铁锹)相混*(*例)Police shoved the playwright and his wife into a van

shrew n. 泼妇

shrewd adj.判断敏捷的,精明的*(*记)注意不要和shrew(泼妇)相混*(*例)a shrewd businessman(精明的生意人)

shrivel v.枯萎,皱缩*(*例)plants shrivelling in the dry heat

shudder n. vi. 战栗, 发抖

shuffle v.拖步走,支吾,洗牌*(*记)*参考:reshuffle(重新改组)*(*例)Don't shuffle,give a definite answer

shun v.避免,闪避*(*例)He was shunned by his former friends(他的老朋友们都回避着他)

shunt v.使(火车)转到另一轨道,转移方向*(*例)Shunt the car into a sidling(把这节车厢转到岔线)

shyster n. 讼棍, 奸诈之徒(尤指政客)

sibling n.兄弟或姊妹*(*记)sib(同胞)+ling(小)

sibylline adj.预言的

sidereal adj.恒星的*(*记)sider(星)+eal→星的,分割*记忆:side+real

sidetrack n. 旁轨, 侧线, 次要地位;vt. 导入侧线, 转移目标, 使受牵制

sift v.筛、过滤*(*例)Heavy soot sifted in through the open window.

significant adj. 有意义的, 重大的, 重要的

silt n.淤泥、淤沙*(*例)The harbour is being choked upwith silt

simian adj.猿的、猴的n.类人猴*(*记)来自simi(=simil(相似的)+an→和人相似的动物→猿

simile n.直喻,明喻*(*记)simil(相似)+e*(*例)To say that sb. is as brave as a lion is a simile

simper v.傻笑、假笑*(*记)可能是simple(蠢的)+laughter(笑)的缩合

simplistic adj. 过分单纯化的

simulate v.假装,模仿*(*记)simul(相同)+ate→(假装)相同的→模仿*(*例)simulate indignation(假装愤慨)

sinecure n.挂名差事,闲职*(*记)sine(无)+cure(关心)→不用关心的职位→闲职*同根词:sine die(拉丁文:无限期地)

sinewy adj.多腱的,强壮有力的

singular n. 单数;adj. 单一的, 非凡的, 异常的, 持异议的

sinister adj.不吉祥的,险恶的*(*记)sinist(左边的)+er,罗马占卜时,视左侧出现的征兆为不吉祥*同根词:sinistral(左边的),sinistrorse(左旋的)

sinuous adj.蜿蜒的,迂回的*(*记)sinu(弯曲)+ous→弯曲的*同根词:insinuate(暗指)

siren n.汽笛,警报器*(*记)原指希腊神话中半人半鸟的女海妖,以美妙歌声迷住海员,使船只触礁沉没。

skeptic n. 怀疑论者, 无神论者, 怀疑宗教的人

skiff n.轻舟,小船*(*记)和skill(技巧)一起*记

skim v. 撇去

skimp v.节省花费,吝啬*(*例)to skimp on food to save money

skinflint n.吝啬鬼*(*记)来自词组:skin a flint(刮石头皮,爱钱如命)

skirmish n.小战,小争吵*(*例)A skirmish between a wife and a husband is insignificant

skittish adj. 易激动的, 轻佻的

skulduggery n. (skullduggery)欺骗, 作假, 使诈, 诡计

skulk n. 躲藏,偷偷摸摸地走

slack n. 松弛, 静止, 淡季, 闲散, 家常裤;adj. 松弛的, 不流畅的, 疏忽的, 软弱的, 漏水的, 呆滞的, 懒散的;adv. 马虎地, 缓慢地;vt. 使松弛, 使缓慢, 马虎从事;vi. 松懈, 减弱, 松驰

slacken v.(使)松弛,放松*(*记)slack(松驰的)+en*(*例)His business slackens in the winter

slag n.炉渣,矿渣

slake v.解渴,消渴*(*记)分割*记忆:s+lake,一湖水→解渴*(*例)slake one's thirst

slander v.诽谤,中伤

slap vt. 拍, 掌击, 拍击;n. 拍, 掌击, 拍击

slapdash adj.草率的、马虎的*(*记)slap(拍打)+dash(溅)→拍打把水溅出来→草率的*(*例)a slapdash painting(草草作就的画)

slaughter n. 屠宰, 残杀, 屠杀;v. 屠宰, 残杀, 屠杀

slavish adj. 奴隶的, 奴性的, 卑屈的, 盲从的, 专横的

sleazy adj. 质地薄的, 质量差的, 廉价的

sledge n. 雪橇;v. 乘雪橇, 用雪橇运送

sleek v.(使)光滑,adj.光滑的,整洁的*(*例)a sleek horse/the sleek waters(平滑如镜的水面)

sleeper n. 睡眠, (火车等的)卧铺, 枕木, 冬眠动物

sleigh n. 雪橇;v. 乘雪橇, 用雪橇运输

sleight n.巧妙手法,巧计,灵巧(分割*记忆):s(看作sly)+eight,八面玲珑→巧计*(*例)sleight of mind(心思的灵巧)

slew v.(使)旋转,n.大量,许多*(*记)和slow(慢)一起*记*(*例)He slewed around in his chair/awhole slew of boys.

slick adj. 滑的,有光泽的,巧妙的

slight adj. 轻微的,v. 轻视

slink v.偷偷走动*(*例)They hurriedly paid their bills and slunk away.

slipshod adj. 漫不经心的

slither v.(蛇)滑动,扭动前进*(*记)分割*记忆:slit(裂缝)+her*(*例)The snake slithered into the weeds.

sloth n.懒惰,树懒(一种动物)*(*例)overcome ones habitual sloth.

slough v.n.(蛇等)蜕皮,蜕壳*(*例)Snakes slough annually.

slovenly adj.不整洁的,马虎的*(*例)be slovenly in thought(思想懒散)

sluggard n.懒鬼*(*记)slug(蛞蝓:一种行为缓慢的虫)+gard

sluggish adj.行动迟钝的,缓慢的

sluice n.水门,水闸,n.冲洗,奔流*(*例)sluice a deck with hoses(用水龙带冲洗甲板)

slur v.含糊不清地讲*(*记)和blur(弄脏,变模糊)一起*记*(*例)Her speech slurred slightly from dinner wine.(她因喝酒,说话有点含糊不清)

sly adj. 狡猾的

smart adj. 聪敏的,n. 剧痛

smattering n.略知,少数*(*记)分割*记忆:s+matter+ing.*(*例)know a smattering of Hebrew(懂一点希伯莱语)/a smattering of votes(寥寥几票)

smear n.油渍,污点v.弄脏,玷污*(*例)a face smeared with dirt/smears of paint on the wallpaper.

smelt v.熔解,熔炼*(*记)比较melt(熔化),melt只指把东西化开如:The snow melted. smelt指化开并提炼,如:smelt high grade tin from ores.

smirk v.假笑,得意地笑*(*例)detect a smirk on sbs face(发觉某人脸上挂着得意的假笑)

smolder v.无火焰地闷烧,压抑*(*记)分割*记忆:smo看作smoke+older*(*例)a butt smoldering in the ashtray(烟缸里闷燃的烟蒂)

smother v.覆盖,(使)闷死*(*记)分割*记忆:s+mother.*(*例)They were smothered [smd v.弄脏,n.污点,渍痕*(*例)He smudged the paper with his dirty hands.

smudge n. 污迹, 熏烟;v. 弄脏, 用浓烟熏, 染污

smug adj.自满的,自命不凡的*(*例)Youve got nothing to be smug about.(你有什么可自鸣得意的!)

sneak v.鬼鬼祟祟而行,偷窃*(*记)可能是snake(蛇)的变体*(*例)sneak out of the back door

snicker v. 窃笑;n. 窃笑

snip v.剪,剪断*(*例)Snip dead leaves from a plant.

snivel v. 流鼻涕;n. 啜泣

snub v.冷落,不理睬*(*例)She snubbed her neighbours by silence.

snuffle v. 用鼻音讲;n. 鼻音

soar v. 高飞, 高丛, 滑翔, 剧增, 昂扬;n. 高飞范围, 高涨程度

sober adj.清醒的,庄重的*(*例)a man of sober judgement.

sobriety n.节制,清醒

sodden adj.浸透了的*(*例)the sodden ground(湿漉漉的地面)

sojourn v.n.逗留,寄居*(*记)分割*记忆:so+journ(=journey)*(*例)sojourn for a month at a health resort.

solace n.安慰.慰藉*(*记)sol(安慰)+ace→安慰,*参考:console(安慰)*(*例)Books were his only solace.

solder v.焊接,焊合*(*记)和soldier(战士)一起*记*(*例)solder the broken wires together(把断电线焊接在一起)

solecism n.文法错误,举止失礼*(*记)solec(来自地名Soloi,该地居民讲希腊语不纯正)+ism→文法不通

solemnity n.庄严,肃穆*(*记)solemn(严肃的)+ity

solicit v.恳求,乞求,教唆*(*记)soli(=sole唯一,全部)+cit(引出)→引出某人做事→教唆,恳求*(*例)May I solicit your help?

solicitor n. 律师,法律顾问

solicitous adj.热切的,挂念的*(*记)solicit(恳求)+ous→恳求的,挂念的*(*例)Parents are solicitous for their childrens progress in school.

soliloquy n.自言自语,独白*(*记)soli(唯一)+loquy(说话)→一个人说话→独白

solitude n. 单独;寂寞

solstice n. [天 至, 至日, 至点

soluble adj. 可溶的, 可溶解的

solvent adj.有偿债能力的,n.溶剂*(*记)solve(溶化,解决)+ent

somatic adj.肉体的*(*记)somat(躯体)+ic→躯体的*同根词:somatology(身体学)

somber adj.忧郁的,阴暗的*(*例)a somber passageway /a somber expression.

somnambulist n. 梦行者

somnolent adj.思睡的,催眠的*(*记)somn(睡)+olent→多睡的,思睡的*同根词:insomnia(失眠症)

sonic adj. 音速的

sonnet n. 十四行诗, 商籁体

sonorous adj.(声音)宏亮的*(*记)son (声音)+orous→声音大的*(*例)a sonorous waterfall(隆隆作响的瀑布)

soothsayer n. 占卜者

sophist n. 诡辩家, 博学者, 诡辩者

sophisticated adj.老于世故的,(仪器)精密的*(*记)sophist(诡辩者)+icated*(*例)a sophisticated entrepreneur(老练的企业家)

sophistry n.诡辩

sophomoric adj. 大学或四年制中学之二年级的, 一知半解的

soporific adj.催眠的,n安眠药*(*记)sopor(昏睡)+ific→睡眠的*参考:soporous(昏睡的)

sordid adj.卑鄙的,肮脏的*(*例)sordid motives(卑劣的动机)sordid narrow streets(肮脏狭窄的街道)

sound n. 声音, 语音, 噪音, 吵闹, 海峡, 听力范围, 探条;adj. 健全的, 可靠的, 合理的, 有效彻底的, 健康的;adv. 彻底地, 充分地;vi. 发出声音, 回响, 测深, 听起来;vt. 使发声, 宣告, 听诊, 测...深, 试探

sour adj. 酸的, 发酵的, 酸腐的, 酸味的

sovereign n.最高统治者,元者*(*记)sove(=over超过)+reign(统治)*(*例)The true sovereigns of a country are those who determine its modeof thinking.

sovereignty n.主权,统治权

sow n.母猪, [su v.播种*(*例)sow clover in the field(在田里播种苜蓿)

spangle n.(缝在衣服上的)金属亮片,v.闪光*(*例)Her evening dress was covered with spangles.The blue water is spangled with sunlight.

spare a. (风格)不加渲染的;简朴的,vt. 用不着;免去

sparse adj.稀少的,贫乏的*(*例)The population is sparse in that country.

spartan adj.简朴的,刻苦的*(*记)来自Sparta(斯巴达),希腊城邦.以简朴刻苦的态度处世*(*例)He adopted a new routine—simple food and spartan habits.

spasmodic adj.痉挛的,间歇性的*(*例)His interest in painting is spasmodic.

spat n.口角,小争论*(*记)不要和spit(吐痰)相混*(*例)Neighbourhood spats(邻里的小争吵)

spate n.大批,大量,(水)泛滥*(*例)We had a spate of bad luck.(我们碰到一连串的不幸)

spatial a.空间的

spatula n.(调拌等用的)抹刀,刮刀*(*记)spat(平)+ula→平的刀→抹刀

spawn n.(鱼等)卵子,v.大量产卵,大量生产*(*例)Bureaucracy spawns many rules that complicate our life.

specious adj.似是而非的,华而不实的*(*记)spec(看)+ious→用来看的→华而不实的*(*例)a specious pretext(似是而非的借口)

speck n.小点,斑点,少量*(*记)可能是pecc(污点)的变体,*参考:peccadillo(小过失)*(*例)a reputation without a speck(清白无瑕的名誉)

spectral adj.幽灵的,鬼魂的

spectrum n.光谱,范围*(*记)spectr(看)+um→看到颜色→光谱*(*例)different opinions from all sides of the political spectrum.(来自各个政治派别的不同意见)

speechless adj. 不能说话的, 酩酊大醉的

spendthrift adj.n.挥金如土的(人)*(*记)组合词:spend(花费)+thrift(节约)把节约下来的钱花掉*(*例)accuse sb. of spendthrift inclinations.


spin v. 旋转, 纺, 纺纱;n. 旋转

splice v.n.接合,衔接*(*记)注意不要和split(分裂)相混*(*例)splice a rope to a chain.

spoilsport n. 扫兴者

spontaneity n.自然,自发

spoof v.揶揄,嘲讽*(*记)*参考其它以spoo开头的单词:spook(幽灵),spool(卷轴),spoon(匙),spoor(野兽等的足迹)

spoonerism n. [语 斯本内现象, 首音互换

sporadic adj.不定时发生的,零星的*(*例)sound of sporadic gunfire.

sportive adj. 嬉戏着的, 欢闹的, 开玩笑的, 运动的, 好色的

sprightly adj.愉快的,活泼的*(*记)分割*记忆:spring+brightly→明快的春天*(*例)She seems very sprightly after her holiday.

sprout v.长出,萌芽,嫩芽*(*记)和spout(喷出)一起*记*(*例)Leaves are beginning to sproutfrom trees.

spruce n.云杉,adj.整洁的,潇洒的*(*例)Youve looking very spruce in your new suit.

spry adj. 充满生气的, 活泼的, 敏捷的;美国Spry在线服务公司

spurious adj.假的,伪造的*(*记)来自spuria(伪造的作品)+ous*(*例)spurious coins(伪币)

spurn v.拒绝,摈弃*(*例)The committee has spurned his appeals/a person spurned by society.

squabble n. 争吵,口角

squalor n.不洁,污秽

squander v.浪费,挥霍*(*记)源自方言,因莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》一剧中用此词而广泛流传.*(*例)squander natural resources

squash v.压碎,挤压,n.南瓜*(*例)Some of the berries at the bottom have been squashed.

squat v.蹲下,adj.矮胖的*(*例)They squatted down to wait in the shade/a squat woman.

squeamish adj. 过于拘谨的, 洁癖的, 易呕吐的, 神经质的

squelch v.n.压制,镇压*(*记)*参考:quench(熄灭,压制)*(*例)Squelch a student demonstration.

staccato adj.(音乐)断音的,不连贯的*(*记)st+acca+to,*记住中间的acca,似乎呈断裂状态*(*例)staccato notes(断音音符)

stagnant adj.不流动的,停滞的*(*记)stagn(=stand站住)+ant→不动的*(*例)a stagnant pool of water.

staid adj.稳重的,沉着的*(*记)原来是stay的过去式*(*例)Hes too staid for such a lively young wife.

stalemate n.和棋局面,僵局*(*记)组合词:stale(无用的)+mate(将死对方的棋)→将不死→和棋*(*例)break the stalemate.(打破僵局)

stalwart adj.健壮的,坚定的*(*例)stal(=support)+wart(=worth)→值得依靠的→坚定的*(*例)a stalwart ally(坚定的同盟者)

stamina n.体力,耐力

stammer v.口吃,结巴*(*例)He stammered into silence.(他结巴了几句便说不出话来)

stamp n. 邮票, 印花, 印, 图章, 标志, 印记, 跺脚, 顿足;v. 跺(脚), 顿(足), 压印

stampede n. 惊跑;v. 惊跑

stanch v.制止(血液),止住*(*记)stan(站)+ch→让(血)站住→止住*(*例)stanch a leak in a ship(堵住船上的漏洞)

standstill n. 停止, 停顿

stanza n.(诗)节,段*(*记)stan(站住)+za→诗停止的地方→节、段

start n. 动身, 出发点, 开始, 惊起, 惊跳, 赛跑的先跑权, 优先地位;v. 出发, 起程, 开始, 着手, 惊动, 惊起, 起动, 发动

stately a. 庄严的;雄伟的;堂皇的

static adj.静态的,呆板的*(*例)static feudal society(停滞的封建社会)

statute n.法规,法令*(*记)stat(站)+ute*(*例)the statutes of a university.

statutory adj.法定的,受法令所约束的

steadfast adj. 坚定的

stealth n. 秘密行动

steep v.浸泡,浸透*(*记)steep作为“陡峭的”一意大家很熟悉*(*例)She steeped the tea in boilingwater.

stellar a.星的,星球的;名演员的;主要的

stem n(植物的)茎,叶柄,v.阻止,遏制(水流等)*(*例)stem a stream with sand(用沙土堵住溪水)

stem from 源于

stench n.臭气,恶臭*(*记)注意不要和stanch(止住)相混*(*例)the stench of rolling eggs(臭蛋的气味)

stentorian adj.(指声音)极响亮的*(*记)来自希腊神话中的特洛伊战争中的传令官Stentor,其声音极其洪亮

stereotype n.固定形式,老套*(*记)stereo(立体)+type(形状)*(*例)break through the stereotypes(打破陈规)

sterile adj.不孕的,无细菌的

stickler n.坚持细节之人*(*记)stickle(固执己见)+er.*参考:stick(坚持)

stifle v. 闷死,镇压

stigma n. 污名, (植物)柱头, [动物 气门, 耻辱

stilted adj.(文章,谈话)不自然的*(*记)来自stilt(高跷)+ed*(*例)talk in a stilted way(很不自然地说话)

stink v.n.发臭,臭味*(*记)*参考:stench(臭味)。*(*例)The stagnant swamp stinks(这潭死水臭气熏天)

stint  v.吝惜,节省*(*例)They will stint themselves for years to buy a bicycle.

stipend  n.薪水,薪俸,养老金

stipple  v.点画,点描.*(*记) stip(点)+ple→用点刻画

stipulate  v,要求以…为条件,约定*(*记) stip (点)+ulate→点明,讲定*(*例) He stipulates three things before he can agree to go.

stock  adj.普通的,惯用的*(*记)stock作为“股票,家畜,储备”等义大家比较熟悉*(*例) a stock example(常用的*例子)

stockade  n.栅栏,围栏*(*记) stock(木头)+ade→木头编成的围栏

stodgy  adj.艰涩难懂的,乏味的*(*记)来自stodge(淀粉类食物)+y→象淀粉食物一样乏味→单调乏味的*(*例) a stodgy book

stoic  n.坚忍克己之人*(*记)来自希腊哲学流派Stoic(斯多葛派),主张坚忍克己。*(*例)a stoic indifference to reproaches(对责备坦然处之)

stoke v. 添加燃料,司炉,激起,吞食

stolid  adj.无动于衷的,感情麻木的*(*例)He was a rather stolid, serious type (他是那种一本正经,不太喜形于色的人)

stoop v. 俯身,降低身份

stout adj.肥胖的,强壮的*(*例)a stout wall(坚固的墙)/stout legs(粗壮的腿)

straggle v. 迷路, 落伍, 蔓生, 四散, 漫延;n. 散乱

strangle v. 扼死

stratagem  n.谋略,策略*(*记)strata(层次)+gem→有层次的计划→谋略*参考:strategic(战略上的)


stratum n.地层,社会阶层

strew vt. 散播, 点缀, 撒满

striated  adj.有条纹的*(*记)striate(在…上划条纹)+ed→有条纹的)stria(条线,线条)*(*例)a violently striated face(满脸横肉的相貌)

stricture n.谴责,严厉,束缚*(*记)来自strict(严格的)+ure*(*例)strictures against bribetaking(对受贿行为的抨击)/moral strictures (道德束缚)

strident  adj.尖声的,刺耳的*(*记)分割*记忆:stride(大步走)+dent (凹痕)*(*例)a strident voice/a turbulent and strident election

stringent adj(规定)严苛的,缺钱的*(*记)来自string(线,绳)+ent→象用绳限制住的→严厉的,参考:astringent(收缩的)*(*例)stringent economic sanctions (严厉的经济制裁)

strut v.昂首阔步地走*(*例)A peacock strutted on the lawn.(孔雀在草地上昂首行走)

studied adj. 有计划的, 故意的

studious adj. 勤学的, 认真的, 慎重的, 热心的

stultify vt. 使显得愚笨, 使变无效, 使成为徒劳

stumble v. 绊倒, 使困惑, 蹒跚, 结结巴巴地说话, 踌躇;n. 绊倒, 错误

stump n. 树桩, 残余, 烟头;v. 掘去树桩, 砍成树桩, 绊倒, 难住, 截去

stun v.使昏迷,使发愣*(*例)The natural beauty of the mountain stuns the visitors

stupefy v.(使)茫然,吓呆*(*记)stup(笨,呆)+efy→吓呆*同根词:stupid(愚笨的),stupor(昏迷)

stupor n.昏迷,不醒人事*(*记)stup(呆)+or*(*例)He sat in a glassyeyed stupor.

sturdy adj.(身体)强健的,结实的*(*例)He is short and sturdy (他长得矮而健壮)/a sturdy chair

stygian adj. 阴森的,阴晦的

stymie v. 妨碍,阻挠

suavity n. 柔和, 愉快, 温和

subaltern n. 次长, 中尉, 副官;adj. 下的, 副的, 次的

subdue v.征服,压制,减轻*(*记)sub(在下面)+due(=duce)引导→引到下面→征服*(*例)subdue nature(征服自然)/subdue a fever(退热)

subjective adj. 主观的, 个人的

subjugate v.征服,镇压*(*记)sub(下面)+jug(=yoke 牛轭)→置于牛轭之下→征服*(*例)subjugate one's feeling/subjugate our foe.

sublimate v.(使)升华,净化*(*记)来自sublime(崇高的)+ate

sublime adj雄伟的,崇高的,n.顶峰*(*记)sub(没有)+lime(可能来自limit限制)→没有限制→崇高的*(*例) a sublime spirit of selfsacrifice.

subliminal adj.潜意识的,下意识的*(*记)sub(下面)+limin(=limen最小限度的神经刺激)+al*(*例)play a subliminal part in(在…起到了潜意识的作用)

submerge v.沉没,淹没*(*记)sub(下面)+merge(合并,吞没)→吞没下去→淹没*参考:emerge(出现)

submissive adj.恭顺的

subordinate  adj.附属的n.部下,下属*(*记)sub(下面)+ordin(顺序)+ate→顺序在下面→附属的*(*例)a subordinate kingdom(附属王国)

suborn v.收买,贿赂*(*记)sub(下面)+orn(装饰)→在下面给人好处→贿赂*(*例)suborn a witness(收买证人)

subpoena n.(法律)传票,v.传讯*(*记)sub(下面)+poena(=penalty 惩罚)→在惩罚下→传讯*(*例)subpoena sb. to testify(传某人到庭作证)

subsequent a.继...之后的,后来的

subservient  adj.恭顺的*(*记)sub (下面)+serv(服务)+ient→在下面服务→恭顺的

subside v.(建筑物等)下陷,(天气等)平息,平静*(*记)sub(下面)+side(坐)→坐下去→下陷*(*例)The earth subsides(地下陷)/The storm subsided(暴风雨平息了)

subsidiary adj. 辅助的,次要的

subsidy n.补助金*(*例)subsidies for the old and disabled.

subsistence n. 生存, 生活, 留存

substantial adj. 坚固的, 实质的, 真实的, 充实的

substantiate v证实,确证*(*记)substant(事实,物质)+iate→用事实来证明,*参考:substance(物质)

substantive adj.独立存在的,直接的*(*例)a substantive nation(独立国家)/a substantive dyeing  process (直接染色法)

subsume  v.包含,包容*(*记)sub(下面)+sume(拿)→拿在下面→包容*同根词:assume(假定,设想),resume(恢复,重来)

subterfuge n.诡计,托辞*(*记)subter(私下)+fuge(逃跑)→诡计,借口*(*例)a subterfuge to avoid going to school.

subtlety n.狡猾,微妙(的感情)*(*记)来自subtle(微妙的,狡猾的)+ty*(*例)The subtlety of his remarks was unnoticed by most of his audiences

subversive adj.颠覆性的,破坏性的

succor n./v. 救助,援助

succulent adj.多汁的,多水份的*(*记)succ(=suck吸汁)+ulent→多汁的*(*例)a succulent mango(味甘汁多的芒果)

succumb v.屈从,屈服,因…死亡*(*记)suc(下面)+cumb(躺)→躺下去→死亡*同根词:recumbent(斜躺的)*(*例)The government has succumbed to pressure from the press.

suckle vt. 哺乳, 养育, 吮吸;vi. 吸奶

suffocate v.(使)窒息而死*(*记)suf(下面)+foc(喉咙)+ate→在喉咙下面→使…窒息*(*例)She was nearly suffocated with tension.

suffragist n. 参政权扩大论者, 妇女政权论者;adj. 主张扩大参政权的

suffuse v.(色彩等)弥漫,染遍*(*记)suf(下面)+fuse(流)→流遍*同根词:effusive(流出的,奔放的)*(*例)The light of the setting sun suffused the clouds.

suitor n.求婚者,(法律)原告*(*记)suit(恳求,求婚)+or.

sullen adj.忧郁的,不高兴的*(*例)a sullen disposition (抑郁的性格)

sully v.玷污,污染*(*例) sully sbs reputation(玷污名声)

sultry adj. 闷热的,(人)风骚的

summation n. [数 总和, 和, 合计

sumptuous adj. 豪华的,奢侈的,华丽的

sunder v.分裂,分离*(*记)分割*记忆:s看作split(分裂)+under*参考:asunder(分开的)*(*例)Time and distance often sunder friends 

sundry 各式各样,各种的*(*记)分割*记忆:sun(太阳)+dry(干),太阳晒干各种东西*(*例)a sundry revenue(杂项税收)

superannuated adj. 老迈的,老式的

supercilious adj.目中无人的,高傲的*(*记)super(超过)+cili(眉毛)+ous→超过眉毛的→高傲的

supererogatory adj. 额外的, 超出职务的

superficial adj.表面的,肤浅的*(*记)super(超过)+fic(做)+ial→在上面做→表面的

superfluous adj.多余的,累赘的*(*记)super(超过)+flu(流)+ous→流得过多→多余的

superimpose v.加在上面,附加*(*记)super(在…上面)+impose(强加)

supernumerary n. 定额以外的人, 临时雇工

supersede v.淘汰,取代*(*记)super(在…上面)+sede(坐)→坐在别人上面→取代*(*例)Steam locomatives were superceded by diesel

supine adj.仰卧的,懒散的*(*记)sup(=super 在…上面)+ine→(肚子)在上面→仰卧的 *参考:prone(俯卧的)

supplant v.排挤,取代*(*记)sup(下面)+plant(种植)→在下面种植→取代*(*例)The pretty young wife finds herself having been  supplanted by a brisk, unlovely woman

supple adj伸屈自如的,灵活的*(*记)可能是supplicate (恳求、求饶)的变体*(*例)a supple birch tree (易弯曲的桦树)/a supple mind (最灵的头脑)

suppliant adj. 恳求的, 哀求的, 谦卑的;n. 恳求者, 哀求者

supplicant n.乞求者,恳求者

supplicate v.恳求,乞求*(*记)sup(下面)=plic(重叠)+ate→双膝跪下→乞求*(*例)I cant brook to be supplicated(我不忍别人向我哀求)

supposition n.猜想,推测*(*记)来自suppose(假定,料想),sup(下面)+pose(放)

supposititious adj. 冒充的, 想象的, 假的, 私生的

suppress vt. 镇压, 抑制, 查禁, 使止住

surfeit n.(食物)过量,过度*(*记)sur(过份)+feit(做)→做过了头→过量*(*例)a surfeit of compliments(过度恭维)/feed oneself to surfeit(吃得过饱)

surge v.n.波涛汹涌,波动*(*记)注意:surge 组词:insurgent(叛乱的)*(*例)The floods surged over the valley.

surly adj 脾气暴躁的,阴沉的*(*记)sur(=sir先生)+ly→象高高在上的先生一般*(*例)a surly old man/surly weather 

surmise n v 推测、猜测*(*记)sur(下面)+mise(放)→放下想法→推测*(*例)surmise sbs thoughts 

surmount v.克服,战胜,越过*(*记)sur(下面)+mount(山)→山在下面→克服、战胜*(*例)surmount every difficulty/surmount a hill

surpass vt. 超过;胜过

surreptitious adj.鬼鬼祟祟的,保密的*(*记) sur(在…下面)+rept(爬)+itious→在下面爬→偷偷爬(进来)*(*例)a surreptitious glance/a surreptitious meeting

surrogate n.代替品,代理人*(*记)sur(下面)+rog(要求)+ate *参考:subrogate(代替,取代)*(*例)He saw in his uncle, in some sense,a surrogate of his father

surveillance n. 监视, 监督

susceptible adj 易受影响的,多情的*(*记)sus(在…下面)+cept(接受)+ible→在下面接受→容易接受→易受影响的

suspend vt. 吊;悬挂,中止;停止

suspense n.悬念,悬疑,挂念*(*记)sus(下面)+pense(挂)→(一颗心)挂着*参考suspension(悬挂,暂停),suspicion(怀疑)*(*例)she waited in suspense for the return of her husband 

sustain v.承受(困难),支撑(重量)*(*记)sus (下面)+tain(拿住)→在下面支撑住*(*例)An unshakable faith sustained me/sustain hardships

sustenance n.食物,粮食,生计

suture n.缝线v.缝合*(*记)sut (=sen 缝)+ure*(*例)suture a wound.

swagger v.大摇大摆地走*(*记)*参考:waddle(鸭子摇摆着走)*(*例)He swaggered along the street 

swamp n. 沼泽

swarm n.(蜜蜂)一群,一群(人)*(*记)分割*记忆 s+warm*(*例)a swarm of insects/swarms of sightseers v.攀爬

swarthy adj.(皮肤等)黝黑的*(*例)swarthy complexion(黝黑的肤色)

swathe vt. 绑, 裹, 包围;n. 包装品, 带子, 绷带

sway v. 摇摆, 摇动

swear vi. 诅咒;v. 宣誓, 发誓


swell v.肿胀,肿大 n.(人)丰满*(*记)分割*记忆s+well*(*例)The wind swelled into a tempest 

swelter vi. 闷热, 被暑气所苦, 汗流夹背;vt. 使闷热, 使中暑;n. 闷热, 过度紧张

swerve v.转向,突然改变方向*(*例)The car swerved sharply to avoid hitting a bicycle

swill v.冲洗,痛饮*(*记)注意不要和swell(肿大)相混*(*例)I swilled my tea in two gulps 

swindler n. 骗子

swipe n. 猛击, 重击;vt. 猛击, 重击, 偷

sybarite n. 纵情逸乐之徒

sycophant n.马屁精*(*记)syco(无花果)+phant(显现)原义为献上无花果→拍马者

syllogism n. [逻 三段论法, 推论法, 演绎

sylvan n. 森林之神, 有森林的

symbiosis n 共生,共栖*(*记)sym(共同)+bio(生命)+sis→共生

symmetry n.对称,均衡*(*记)sym(共同)+metry(测量)→两边测量相同→对称

synchronous adj.同时发生的,同步的

synoptic adj.摘要的,高瞻远瞩的

synthesis n. 综合, 合成

synthetic adj.综合的,人造的*(*记)syn(共同)+thetic(=thesis放)→放在一起→综合的*同根词 antithetic(对应的)