Barron词汇 1 T |
Barron词汇 1 T
tablet n.药片;便笺簿;碑,匾
tacit adj.心照不宣的,静默的*(*记)注意和taciturn(沉默的)区别,tacit指心里明白但口头不说*(*例)tacit understanding(默契)
taciturn adj.沉默寡言的*(*例)a brooding and taciturn man(一个忧心忡忡沉默寡言的人)
tact n.机智,圆滑*(*例)a man of great tact(极为机敏的人)
tactful adj.圆滑的,机敏的*(*例) a tactful diplomat(圆滑老练的外交家)
tactile adj.有触觉的*(*记)tact (接触)+ile→触觉的*同根词 contact(联系),tactometer(触觉测量器)
taint n.v.玷污,败坏*(*记) tain(拿住,弄脏)+t*参考:attaint(玷污),stain(玷污,染色)*(*例)The moral taint has spread among all classes
takeoff n. 起飞, 开始, 移去;adj. 起飞的, 卸除的
talisman n.避邪物,护身符*(*记)talis(做仪式,驱邪)+man→护身符
talon n.猛禽的锐爪*(*例)The hawk seized the rabbit in its formidable talons
tan v.鞣(革)*例 tan sheepskin(将羊皮制成皮革)
tangential adj.切线的,离题的*(*例)tangential remarks(离题的话)
tangible adj.可触摸的*(*记)tang(接触)+ible→可以触摸的
tanner n.制革工人
tantalize v.挑惹,挑逗*(*记)来自希腊神话人名Tantalus,因泄露天机被罚立在近下巴深的水中,头上有果树,口渴欲饮时水即流失,腹饥欲食果子即消失*(*例)a tantalizing smell of food/He was tantalized by her beauty(他被她的美貌弄得心荡神驰)
tantamount adj.与…相等的*(*记)tant(相等)+amount(数量)→等量的*(*例)He considered the note tantamount to a declaration of war
tantrum n.勃然大怒,脾气发作*(*例) She began to throw tantrums(她开始发脾气了)
taper v.逐渐尖细*(*例)The upper part tapers to a point.(上部逐渐变细,成一尖梢)
tarantula n. 鸟蛛, 狼蛛
tardy adj.缓慢的,迟缓的*(*记)tard (迟缓)+y*同根词:retard(阻碍),tardigrade(缓步的)*(*例)a tardy reader(阅读速度慢的人)
tarnish v.n.失去光泽,晦暗*(*记)tarn(隐藏)+ish→隐藏光泽*(*例)The scandal tarnished his reputation
tarry v.耽搁,延迟*(*例)We can't tarry if we are to be there on time.
tart adj.酸的,尖酸的*(*例) tart apples(酸苹果)/a tart disposition(刻薄的本性)
tatter v. 撕碎n. 碎片
taunt v.嘲笑,讥笑*(*记)*参考daunt(恐吓),gaunt(憔悴的)*(*例) taunt sb with cowardice(讥讽某人懦怯)
taut adj.拉紧的,绷紧的*(*例) a taut string/Her nerves are rather taut
tautological adj.冗赘的,用语重复的*(*记) tauto(同一)+log(话语)+ical→相同的话语→冗赘的*同根词:tautochronous(等时性的)
tawdry adj.低级的,俗的而不值钱的*(*例) tawdry jewelry
tawny n. 茶色;adj. 茶色的
taxonomist n. 分类学家
tedium n.单调乏味*(*例)the tedium of a long journey
teetotalism n. 绝对禁酒
temerity n.鲁莽,大胆*(*记)temer(轻率)+ity*(*例)He had the temerity to ask for higher wages after only three days work
temper v.锻炼,缓和n.脾气*(*例)troops tempered in battle/Temper wine with water(搀水使酒变淡)
temperament n. 气质, 性情, 易激动, 急躁
temperate adj.自制的
tempestuous adj狂暴的
tempo n.(动作、生活的)步调,速度*(*记)来自tempor(时间)*(*例)The tempo of city life(都市生活的节奏)
temporal adj.时间的,世俗的*(*记)tempor(时间)+al→世俗的*(*例)human institutions and temporal events(人类习俗与世事)
temporize v.拖延*(*记)tempor(时间)+ize→时间化→拖延时间
tenacious adj.坚忍不拔的,固执的*(*记)ten(拿住)+acious→拿住不放→固执的*(*例)Hes pretty tenacious when it comes to standing up for his rights.
tenacity n.坚持,固执
tenancy n. 租佃, 租赁
tenant n. 承租人, 房客, 租客;v. 出租
tend v.照料,看顾*(*例)tend plants(照料植物)/tend to the other guests(关照其它客人)
tendentious adj.有偏见的,有倾向的*(*记)tendent(趋势,倾向)+ious→有倾向的*参考:tendency(趋势,倾向)*(*例)tendentious statements about sb.(对某人有偏见的看法)
tender v.提出(希望对方接受的意见等)*(*记)tender作为“温柔的”一意大家都熟悉*(*例)tender ones advice(提出意见)/tender ones resignation(提出辞职)
tenet n.信念,信条*(*记)ten(握住)+et→(握住的)信念*(*例)follow the tenets of unity,simplicity and industry(信奉团结,俭朴,勤奋的原则)
tensile adj. 可拉长的, 可伸长的, [物 张力的, 拉力的
tension n. 紧张(状态), 不安, 拉紧, 压力, 张力, 牵力, 电压;vt. 拉紧, 使紧张
tentative adj.试探性的,尝试性的*(*记)tent(=test测试)+ative→测试性的*(*例)a tentative plan/ a tentative explanation.
tenuous adj.细薄的,稀薄的,空洞的*(*记)ten(薄,细)+uous→细薄的*同根词:attenuate(变细薄),extenuate(减轻,掩饰)*(*例)a tenuous hope/a tenuous contact(若近若离的关系)
tenure n.任期,终身职位*(*记)ten(拿住)+ure→任期*(*例)He will be given tenure at Columbia University this year.
tepid adj.微温的*(*记)*参考:lukewarm(微温的)组词:tepidarium(温水浴间)
terminal n. 终点站, 终端, 接线端;adj. 末期, 每期的, 每学期的
termination n. 结束;中止
terminology n.术语,术语学*(*记)term(术语)+inology→术语(学)*(*例)legal terminology(法律术语)
terminus n.(火车,汽车)终点站*(*记)termin(结束)+us→结束地→终点站
terrestrial adj.地球的,陆地的*(*记)terr(地)+estrial→地球的*(*例)terrestrial gravitation(地球引力)
terse adj.简洁的,简明的*(*例)a terse statement(简要的陈述)
tertiary adj. 第三的, 第三位的, 第三世纪的;n. [画 第三色, 第三纪
tessellated adj. [动 棋盘格的, 镶嵌的花样的
testator n. [律 立遗嘱之人
testy adj.性急的,暴躁的*(*记)分割*记忆:test(考试)+y→为考试伤脑筋→不耐烦的*(*例)His voice turned testy (他的语气变得不耐烦了)
tether n. 范围
thematic adj. 词干的, 题目的, 主题的, 论题的
theocracy n.神权政治*(*记)theo(神)+cracy(统治)*参考:autocracy(独裁统治)
theoretical 理论的
therapeutic adj.治病的*(*记)therap(照看,治疗)+eutic→治疗的
thermal adj. 热的, 热量的
thesis n. 论题, 论文
thespian adj.戏剧的,演戏的*(*记)来自古希腊悲剧创始者Thespis.
thrall n.奴隶,农奴*(*记)注意thrall构词:enthrall(迷住,吸引住)
thrash v.鞭打,乱蹦乱跳*(*记)分割*记忆:th+rash(急躁的)*(*例)The fishes thrashed about in the net.
threadbare adj.磨破的,陈腐的*(*记)组合词:thread(线)+bare(露出)→露出线头→磨破的*(*例)a threadbare argument
threat n. 恐吓, 凶兆, 威胁
thresh vt. 脱粒, 反复的打击, 翻滚, 反复做, 推敲;vi. 打谷, 打, 颠簸
thrifty adj.节省的,节俭的*(*记)来自thrift(节约),*参考:thrive(兴旺)
thrive v.兴旺,繁荣; 茁壮成长
throb n. (心脏)的跳动,悸动
throng n.一大群,v.拥挤*(*例)A patient throng was waiting in silence/The streets were thronged with people.
throttle v.掐脖子,扼杀,n.节流阀*(*记)throt(=throat喉)+tle→掐脖子*(*例)The thief throttled the dog to keep it from barking.
thwart v.阻挠,使…受挫*(*例)Shes trying to thwart his ambition(她试图阻挠他的雄心)
tickle n. 搔, 胳肢, 发痒;vt. 胳肢, 逗笑, 使高兴, 使发痒;vi. 觉得痒, 使人痒
tightwad n. 吝啬鬼
tiller n. 耕者, 农夫, (船的)舵柄
timbre n.(音乐)音色,音质*(*例)The singers voice had a pleasant timbre.
timidity n. 胆怯
timorous adj.胆小的,胆怯的*(*记)tim(胆怯)+orous→胆怯的*同根词:timid(胆小的),intimidate(恐吓)
tinge v.给……染色*(*例)Just one drop of ink tinged the water blue(一点墨水便把水染成了蓝色)
tint vt. 给...着色;染色
tipple n. 致醉的饮料, 烈酒;vt. 不断喝;vi. 饮烈酒
tirade n.长篇的攻击性演说*(*记)tir(拉)+ade→拉长的话→长篇演说*同根词:retired(退休的)
titanic adj.巨人的,力大无比的*(*记)来自希腊神话中的巨神Titan,联想Titanic号沉船.
tithe n. [史 (宗教捐税)什一税, 什一的教区税, 小部分;vt. 课什一税;vi. 缴什一税
titillate v.使觉得痒,使……兴奋*(*例)titillate sb's national pride(激发某人的民族自豪感)
title n. (土地)所有权
titter n. 嗤笑, 偷笑, 窃笑, 傻笑;vi. 吃吃地笑, 偷笑
titular adj.有名无实的,名义上的*(*记)tit(=title头衔)+ular→有头衔的*(*例)continue the king as titular head of state(保留国王作为名义上的国家元首)
toady n.谄媚者,马屁精*(*记)分割*记忆:toad(癞蛤蟆)+y,象蛤蟆一样扒地上的人→马屁精
toga n. 宽外袍, 参议员的职位
token n. 表示, 向征, 记号, 代币;adj. 象征的, 表意的
toll n. 通行税(费), 费, 代价, 钟声;vt. 征收, 敲钟, 鸣(钟)(特指宣布死亡), 勾引, 引诱;vi. 征税, 鸣钟
tome n. 册, 卷, 本, 大本书
tonsure n. 剪发, 头顶剃光的部分, 削发式;vt. 剃
topography n.地形学,地形*(*记)topo(地方)+graphy(写)→地形学*同根词:toponym(地名)
topple v.倾覆,推倒*(*记)分割*记忆:top(顶)+ple,顶向下→推翻*(*例)topple the feudal monarchy(推翻封建君主制度)
torpedo n. 鱼雷, 油井爆破筒;v. 用鱼雷进攻, 破坏
torpor n.有气无力,死气沉沉
torque n.转矩,项圈*(*记)torq(转)+ue→转矩→造成东西旋转的力量
torrent n. 急流, 洪流, 连发, 迸发
torrid adj.酷热的*(*记)torr(热)+id→炎热的*同根词:torrefy(焙烧)*(*例)the torrid heat of the summer(夏天的炎热)
torso n.(人体的)躯干,躯干像
tortuous adj.弯弯曲曲的,蜿蜒的*(*记)tort(弯曲)+uous→弯曲的
toss v. 投, 掷
totem n.图腾,崇拜物
totter v.摇摇欲坠,步伐蹒跚*(*例)The pile of books tottered then fell
touching adj. 动人的, 令人同情的;prep. <书>关于, 至于
touchstone n. 试金石, 标准
touchy adj.敏感的,易发脾气的*(*记)touch(触摸)+y*(*例)She is touchy about blame(她是个责备不得的人)
tout v.招徕顾客,极力赞扬*(*例)tout a car for its large size
toxic adj.有毒的,中毒的*(*记)tox(毒)+ic→有毒的*同根词:detoxify(解毒),toxication(中毒)
tract n. 广阔的地面, 土地, 地方, 地域, (解剖)管道, 小册子
tractable adj.易于驾御的,温顺的*(*记)tract(拉)+able→拉得动的,温顺的.
traduce v.中伤,诽谤*(*记)tra(=trans横)+duce(引导)→引到歪里去→诽谤*(*例)traduce ones friend
trajectory n.(抛射物)弹道轨道*(*记)tra(横向)+ject(扔)+ory
tramp v.重步走,长途跋涉*(*例)I have tramped all day 长途跋涉了一整天
trample v.踩坏,践踏*(*记)tramp(踩踏)+le*(*例)trample down the flowers/trample law and order
trance n. 恍惚, 出神, 着迷, [医 迷睡;vt. 使恍惚, 使发呆
tranquillity n. 宁静
transcendent adj. 卓越的, 出众的,[宗 (神)超然 先验的
transcendental adj.超越经验的,形而上学的.
transcribe v.抄写,转录*(*记)trans (互相)+scribe(写)→照着写下→抄写*(*例)transcribe a letter on the typewriter.
transgression n. 违反, 犯罪, [地 海侵, 海进
transient adj.短暂的,转瞬即逝的
transition n.过渡时期,转变*(*记)trans(交换)+sit(坐)+ion→交换坐→过渡*(*例)She is subject to frequent transitions from high spirits to depression.
transitory adj.短暂的,=transient*(*记)trans(改变)+sit(=sit坐)+ory→坐一下就改变了→短暂的*(*例)transient happiness(短暂的幸福)/transitory delight
translucent adj.半透明的*(*记)trans(穿过)+luc(明亮)+ent→光线能穿过→半透明的*(*例)translucent glass in the bathroom window.
transmute v.变化,变作*(*记)trans(变化)+mute(变化)→变化(*例)transmute water power into electric power.
transparent adj.透明的*(*记)trans(穿过)+par(平等,一样)+ent→穿过去看形状一样→透明的
transpire v.发生,蒸发,泄露*(*例)Nobody knows what transpired at the meeting.(谁也不知道会上发生了什么)
transport vt. 运输
transpose vt. 调换, 颠倒顺序, 移项;vi. 进行变换;n. [数 转置(矩)阵
trappings n. 服饰, 马饰
traumatic adj.受创伤的,外伤的*(*例)His first love affair proved rather traumatic.
travail n.艰苦劳动,痛苦*(*记)原指妇女分娩的阵痛*(*例)He has devoted his life to his artistic travail.
traverse v.横过,扫过*(*记)tra(横)+verse(转)→横过*(*例)The railway traverses hundreds of miles of desert(这条铁路横贯沙漠数百英里)
travesty n.v.歪曲,曲解*(*记)tra(横)+vest(穿衣)+y→横过来穿衣→歪曲*(*例)The play was, in their view,a travesty of the truth.
tread n. 步伐,轮胎纹
treasure n. 财宝, 财富, 珍品, 财产;vt. 珍爱, 珍惜, 储藏, 珍藏
treatise n.论文*(*记)treat(对待)+ise→对待问题→论文*(*例)a treatise on population
trek n.v.长途跋涉*(*例)We trekked for five days along the banks of the yellow River.
tremor n.震动,地震*(*记)trem(抖动)+or→地震
tremulous adj.颤动的,不安的*(*例)the tremulous flutter of young leaves(嫩叶的颤动)
trenchant adj.一针见血的,精辟的*(*记)trench(沟)+ant→说话象挖沟,入木三分*(*例)a trenchant critic(一针见血的批评家)
trepidation n.恐惧,惶恐*(*记)trep(害怕)+id+ation→害怕,胆小*同根词:intrepid(无畏的)
tribulation n.苦难,灾难*(*记)tribul(给与)+ation→上天给与的(惩罚)→灾难*(*例)The war was a time of tribulation for all of us.
tribunal n.法庭,裁判所*(*记)来自tribune(古罗马护民官)*(*例)go on trial before a military tribunal
tribune n. (古罗马)护民官, 民众领袖, 论坛, (赛马场的)看台, 讲坛
tribute n.贡物,赞辞*(*记)tribut(给予)+e→贡物*(*例)pay tribute to sbs great achievements(赞扬某人的伟大成就)
trickle v.一滴滴地流,徐徐地流*(*例)Tears were trickling from her eyes
trickster n. 骗子, 魔术师
trident n. 三叉戟式飞机
trifle n.微不足道,琐事*(*记)*参考:trivia(琐事 )*(*例)waste time on trifles
trifling adj. 不重要的
trigger n.板机,v.引发,导致*(*例)a stimulus that triggers a reflex(引起反射的刺激)
trilogy n. 三部剧, 三部曲
trim v.修剪,adj.井井有条的*(*例)He has his hair trimmed(他修剪了头发)/a trim cabin(整洁的船舱)
trinket n.小装饰品,不值钱的珠宝*(*例)That shop sells postcards and trinkets.
trite adj.陈腐的,陈词滥调的*(*例)Your alibi is pretty trite(你的借口实在不新鲜)
trivia n.琐事,无价值之物
troth n. 誓言
trough n. 槽, 水槽, 饲料槽, 木钵
truculence n.凶猛,粗暴
truism n.自明之理,真理*(*记)tru(th)+ism→真理
truncate v.把(某物)截短,去尾*(*记)来自trunk(树干)+ate→截去树干→截短*(*例)truncate a news item(删节新闻)/a badly trancated report.
trunk n.树干,大衣箱
tryst n. 约会, 幽会;v. 约会
tumid adj.肿起的,肿胀的*(*记)tum(肿)+id→肿的*同根词:tumor(肿块),tumefacient(引起肿胀的)
tumult n. 吵闹, 骚动, 拥挤, 混乱
tundra n. 苔原, 冻土地带
turbid adj.混浊的,紊乱的*(*记)turb(搅动)+id→搅混的同根词:disturb(打扰),imperturbable(平静的)
turbulence n. 狂暴;汹涌
tureen n. 有盖的汤盘, 盛汤的碗
turgid adj.浮肿的,浮夸的*(*记)turg(肿)+id→肿胀的,*参考:turgor(肿大)*(*例)His prose is rather turgid(他的文体相当浮夸)
turmoil n.混乱,骚乱*(*记)tur(=turbulent)+moil(喧闹)
turncoat n. 背叛者, 变节者
turpitude n.邪恶,卑鄙(行为)*(*记)turp(卑鄙的)+itude→卑鄙
tutelage n.监护,指导*(*记)tutel(教导,监督)+age→监护*同根词:tutor(家庭教师,导师),tutee(受辅导者)*(*例)Private tutelage helped her pass calculus.
tutelary adj.监护的,保护的
tycoon n.有钱有势的企业家,大亨*(*记)日本语“太君”的音变*(*例)a newspaper tycoon(报业巨头)
typhoon n. [气 台风
tyranny n. 暴政, 苛政, 专治
tyro n.新手*(*例)a tyro in foreign affairs