Bookmarks |
1 |
一天时间学会做FLASH |
2 |
Adobe Cookbooks |
3 |
Ajax Project -- Frameworks, Tutorials, Refs |
4 |
App Inventor -- Programming without coding |
5 |
ASP JavaScript |
6 |
ASPAjax -- Ajax framework for classic ASP (VBScript) websites, free download |
7 |
Eclipse Help |
8 |
Ext JS for web developers |
9 |
Google Code |
10 |
Google Gadget API |
11 |
Google Gadgets API |
12 |
Google Map Icons |
13 |
Google Maps API |
14 |
Google Transit Feed Specification |
15 |
Guru99 -- totally new kind of learning experience |
16 |
How to Create a web site (tutorial) |
17 |
HTML 5.0 Living Standard |
18 |
HTML Code -- Marquee |
19 |
Java, C#, VS.NET, PL/SQL, etc. Programming tutorials and source code examples |
20 |
Mapki -- Google Map API Forum |
21 |
Microsoft ASP.Net turorial |
22 | - Web Development Tutorial and Information |
23 |
Python HOWTOs |
24 |
SIRI Schema & Documentation Downloads |
25 |
SoftArtisans -- FileUp, web file uploading |
26 |
Subversion -- User Manual online version |
27 |
Subversion -- User Manual pdf version |
28 |
Subversion (Apache) -- Free version control |
29 |
TIZIG Tutorials -- Web, Database, Scripting, Flash, Ref |
30 |
TortoiseSVN -- Online Documents |
31 |
TortoiseSVN -- Subversion client, integrated seamlessly into the Windows explorer |
32 |
TortoiseSVN -- User Manual PDF version |
33 |
VBScript -- Functions |
34 |
VBscript functions |
35 |
W3 Schools -- Tutorials, Reference, Examples, Certificates, etc. |
36 |
W3 Schools Try It -- Code and test |
37 | - HTML5 Introduction |
38 |
Web Development Tools, Web Browser Standards Support, Web Development Articles, and more |
39 |
Web Thang -- Tutorials and Code Bank |
40 |
Zytrax Open Source Guides |